Saturday, 31 December 2011

A post for Liam Oliver Wooding

So I asked my dear friend what he wanted from Argentina as he was here a few years ago. 2009? He was very receptive to any gift but jokingly mentioned Dulce de Leche, something he knows I can't bring him.

With this in mind... A few evil pictured were taken. Mmmmm... So good!!! I ate it by the pool :)
(do you enjoy the old man in the pool pic background? More eye candy to make anyone jealous!!)

Friday, 30 December 2011

Cooking hilarity

Some people blog cute cakes and such, well I shall report instead on my culinary monster of the day.

You know the best stories occur when Savannah cooks alone. When i was on the CES budget baking course, an old lady was able to quickly able to take my metal plate out of the microwave, at home Stef was able to tell me (a little late) that you don't wash lettuce in hot water. lol, dont be under the impression i was young when i did these things either because I wasn't. When Savannah cooks alone the phrase "Fools tread where angels fear" (or something like that) is extremely relevant.

Anyway I was hungry and tired of the only things I can make (pasta and sandwiches, they are doing weird things to my regularity actually) so I thought "I'll scramble an egg, how hard can that be?". Haha, reminds me of another 'cooking alone experience' involving one sausage, boiling a pot of water and the imminent arrival of the fire department.

Anyway, so i turned on the gas for a wee bit and about to break an egg when I realized, we still have those egg yokes from the pavlova, I'll make an omelet. Still simple enough for me. So I get my eggs, brutally beat with a fork and remember I should add milk. I do so but WTH? Pink milk through my omlete??? Why is the milk pink, no kids live here?!?? So turns out it was strawberry yogurt... Mmmm yum. (gross)

So I attempt to remove as much as possible with a napkin but decide yogurt is pretty much milk anyway so I'd leave it... Hahaha. I add (too much) milk, cut up sausages and add cheese and dump in hot pan. Get a wooden spoon and move the monstrosity around ;)

Yeah... I thought I'd separate into two little ugly WTH blobs, rather than one despicable WTF blob for photo :)

So, remembering cooking advise from teenage boys (we are at a similar cooking level) if it's really bad, just smother it in mayonnaise. Mayonnaise can save anything. So i did and then made it into a (insert your own adjective) sandwich. Then I ate it. I remember thinking "you know, I really have cooked worse" ;)

Hmm it happened again the other day too. Susana was really quite sick so she asked me to boil a vegetable for her. I did so with pride... However it was severely undercooked and, err the wrong vegetable... Understandable if we were speaking Spanish but we weren't and her English is perfect...

Anyway tried again putting this vegetable with the correct one, over cooking the first and both had many ugly stab marks from me testing their hardness. Then boiled an egg, Susan added oil and salt to the veggies and it was ok. :) but what should have taken 20 minutes, took around an hour.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Some more pictures of Mendoza

Click on the pictures to make them bigger, these were not taken with the Itouch

Feliz Navidad!!!

Although it was my fourth Christmas away from home, it was the first without my family.

Here in Argentina and many parts of the Latin American world, Christmas is celebrated on the evening of the 24th of December.

Pav number 2

Certainly better than last times awful mess. This time proper baking paper was used, not tinfoil (urg, don't ever use that) and the oven got to temperature. I beat the eggs till they did not fall out of an unsider-down bowl and didn't open the oven till the time had past and the oven had cooled.

Susi liked my Pav and it wasn't too bad. It looked perfect up until about 10 mins to finnished cooking time. It was gorgeous, white and had risen. However the bottom browned, the top sunk an then it developed lumps. I still have much to learn.

Money here - The Argentine Peso

It seems that any money is good money. Sometimes the notes here can be awkwardly old/grubby/tattered but this is irrelevant, even the dirtiest money has value. Occasionally I get given a dirty 2 Pesos note and I try to put it in my wallet without touching it... ew. However, this certainly gives the currency some genuineness and makes recieving change from a vendor always interesting.

2 Pesos notes. Going down in a continuium of tidiness

Higher amounts

As I have also been to Chile, I can compare the currencies' prettiness. Well, if you like tidy money, you will prefer the Chilean option. I think a few years ago they must have updated their currency because within my slick, new Chilean money, one or two older and differently designed notes where slipped in. I assume they are also still viable.

10,000 Chilean pesos is 24.7 dollars NZ. As for the coins, the Argentinian ones are quite pretty and some have gold centres, covered by silver rims like the South African Rand. I like these.

It's hot in Topeka

You have to be a close friend to get that joke but here in Argentina the fact remains the same: it's damn hot. Now I'm not complaining, no sir, in fact I love the heat. However it does require a lot more sun protection for my white skin. The other day was 36°, the hottest I've experienced in a long time.

Me in the pool with my hat on. It's probably 6:30 pm in this photo

My usual sun gear is a large dress with jacket. However with all the walking we've been doing I've had to rely more on sunscreen (which I have now run out of unfortunatly but fear not I have a substitute). Yep, I've been arriving at the house of Ceci and Emilly with mountains of clothes on, coming inside and pretty much just wearing my underwear (it's ok, nobody died from seeing this)

At night time it is sometimes hard to sleep as well. I usually wear my Cocosur T-shirt from the AIESEC conference in Chile and although we do not have air con, I sleep well almost every night.

Haha, check out "It's hot in Topeka" HERE

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Ice Cream with Emilly

After our good sleep in and delicious lunch we went to the ice cream shop :D

Picnic in the dark :D

St Martin`s is an amazing place that I will blog about soon and the day before last a couple of us went for a picnic in the dark. I don´t know if I have said before but Argentinian´s eat dinner late. 9pm - 12pm and since it was dark when we left, it was late. As mummy knows, Savannah is a very hungry person who loves her dinner at 5:00 pm exactly so how am I dealing with the late dinners? Well, unbelievably it´s great. I don´t understand but here I am so relaxed that I don´t care when I get fed. It´s so weird.

Anyway I had a Pancho - an Argentine hot dog. It involved ham and cheese so it´s like a hot dog in a poncho. That´s where it gets the name from :)

Emilly´s first day in Argentina! They look like sisters don´t they? They are both living at Angie´s little house :) Emily is delightful and even linked arms with me when we first meet, aren´t South Americans warm?

Left: Emilly, Ceci, Marina (also from Brazil) and moi

Girls + Gustavo!

AIESEC Mendoza is mainly boys (especially in ICX which deals with incoming exchange) and as a response... which this in mind-  is a connection to why the interns are mainly girls?

 Bruno and his brother Renzo, Renzo organised my internship and Juanma!

 Axel, it was his birthday the day before

Me and Gustavinho, ´little Gustavo´ in Portugese.

Cookin with Emilly :)

My talented and awesome fellow intern from Brazil, Emilly and I made lunch today. Yesterday she made a cheese sauce with pasta and meat for me and it was amazing.

Well today we made a lovely fish and salade ansomble. (Sorry I cannot spell that word but I wanna use it)
Anyway, Emilly cooked the fish with butter and garlic and I made salade with an apple vinegar, olive oil, salt and lemon dressing. I learned that since I arrived here. :)

Lol... we drank a bottle of our favorite beer too :D

Fiesturbia de cumple con fin de año y todo junto a la mierda

Hahaha, so as the title suggest - I was invited to a birthday party :)
The word Fiesturbia is a combonation of Fiesta, party, and turbia which is kinda like dirty water. Now the connection between the ideas is... not instant, however knowing the young people it is very slang. As for ´cumple` this is to do with birthday.

So it was Axel´s 21st and I was lucky enough to be there with heaps of AIESEC friends and a young friend of my host mum, Juan Manuel who accompained me. Here is the Fb invite:

At first I had no idea what I was being invited to...

Quilmes... tasty beer

My bedtime here in Argentina seems to suit most people. It may have been a Wednesday but as usual we all went out until 2am. Yesterday we went to Arestides street which is the dining place to go to. Every night outside hundreds of people pack the pavement eating.

From Left: Bruno, Juan Cruz and myself

Left: Cecillia from Belgium and Gustavo from Brazil (with awesome beer)

Ceci with a Mojito and Gustavo with Quilmes

Juanma, 2012 Local Committee President AIESEC Mendoza and awesome Cooparte intern from Brazil, Emilly :)

I`ve been to Extrremo two times now and although I cannot praise their food, the atmosphere is great. It was here I discovered the world`s only good tasting beer (Emilly from Brazil agrees with me totally). It`s called Quilmes and, if you have ever seen me drink beer, you will know it takes me a long time and I don`t hurry to have another one but Quilmes - wow. A beer that actually tastes nice.

On the nonsocial side, I start work at Cooparte next week and my university accredited, month long Spanish course in January :) On the note of Spanish... I`m spoiled here by the number of great English speakers, I really am, so I haven`t been speaking much. However I have been told I have a really good accent (by a few people) and can roll my R`s well which is unusual for an English speaker.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Some pictures from downtown Mendoza

Self explanatory really, however I particularly like the picture of the homeless man, his dog and his trolly. You may be able to see that in his trolly he has put CDs so the headlights of cars will help him be seen. I thought that was rather clever